Yoko Ono is an artist who constantly challenges the traditional boundaries of art, known for her groundbreaking conceptual and performance pieces, experimental films and music.
For the inaugural artist commission of ♥ Like: A BOFFO Instagram Project, Ono pursues a strand of her practice that has iconic roots in early Conceptual Art. Pairing simple variations of repeated images with expansive and allusive texts, Ono conjures alternative mental worlds. Recalling her work Blue Room Event (1966 – ), in which a series of texts written directly on gallery walls makes performative observations—“This room slowly evaporates every day”—and asks viewers to imagine alternate realities—“Find other rooms which exist in this space”—Ono’s new work inscribes itself directly in the platform interface. Presenting stark compositions and drawing out their associative powers through text, Ono critiques the primacy of the image; she situates an essential component of her work in the open site of Instagram’s comments field, commingling with varied responses and “@” communiqués to other users.