The beach at Cedar Walk, Fire Island Pines, NY 11782
DeVonn Francis, Aarron Ricks, Tara-Jo Tashna
The Wash is a ritual, a coming together. Cleaning house, being absolved. The piece emerged from a former performance, “Sisters” which explores experiences and rituals of family bond and experience in relation to the self and others.
Tara-Jo Tashna is a Jamaican born performance artist and musician residing in Brooklyn, NY. As a product of a strong matriarchal lineage and West Indian background, her work is a response to residing in a marginalized body. The vulnerability expressed in her work is a mode of transformation and empowerment.
Aarron Ricks is an art model, performer, dancer, and stylist. His work extends into the art and fashion world from working in fashion PR, styling magazine editorials, posing for artists and animators, and experimental dance/movement for music videos and performance art. Aarron made his performance debut in 2016 with Sarah Kinlaw and Monica Mirabile’s Authority Figure and has since been collaborating with other music producers and choreographers. Aarron currently lives in Brooklyn, NY.
DeVonn Francis’ work touches multiple disciplines, namely, writing, cooking, and performing. He is the Lead Food Culturalist for Enroot, a Food Media and Event Company in New York. Francis’ work focuses on the series of justices and injustices connected through queer and migrant culture.