On Saturday, June 12, as the conclusion to his time at BOFFO Residency Fire Island, rafa esparza exhibits SPOTLIGHT, a series of protest drawings along Fire Island Boulevard from 6 – 10PM, along with a reception from 6-8PM. The drawings, ballpoint pen on recycled bed sheets, offer up a symbolic gesture against state-sanctioned killing at the hands of armed police officers, in the aftermath of a year of reckoning with insurmountable violence against black and brown people throughout the country. They are a reminder of the radical roots of pride grounded in queer and trans histories like those of Stonewall Riots and Cooper Do-Nuts Riots; how these acts of rebellion are deeply embedded in our struggle as queer people. rafa emphasizes the importance of these drawings being presented against the backdrop of Fire Island, where they are by day illuminated by the sunlight and by night backlit by handmade lightboxes. Come by Fire Island Blvd at Teal Walk for the reception from 6 – 8PM, and don’t miss the drawings which will be up until 10PM on Saturday June 12.