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Diamond in the Buff: Fire Island DIS Images project Styling and photography session

Wednesday, August 22, 2012
12:00PM—12:00PM EDT
Fire Island Pines, NY 11782
Brianna Capozzi, Khalid Al Gharaballi
DIS Magazine will be stocking up on images for their Getty Image-inspired database of people and clothes you actually want to see in places you want to visit. Open casting calls will invite muscle boys, twinks, drag queens, trannies, bears, daddies, and ladies alike to be styled in clothes and holding props to be photographed in true DIStaste for the Fire Island Dis Images project. Images will then be shared with the island.

Diamonds in the Buff

At the end of a blazing summer, a group of men are refusing to let their holiday die, bravely keeping the flame alive with a little ice. Khalid Al Gharaballi and Brianna Capozzi bring us this curious late-season development from Fire Island.

Commissioned for BOFFO Residency Fire Island

Photography Brianna Capozzi Styling Khalid Al Gharaballi